Opt-In Recruiting

Talent is in the Connections

The Art of the Opt-in

Save time and effort with immediate communication.

There are so many methods to communicate beyond just a phone call or email. Because we have opt-in recruiting solutions, there's no excuse to leave your applicants in the dark.

By using texting and mobile platforms to reach your candidates, you can build a brand based on transparency, relevancy, and personalization.

Help Candidates Feel Comfortable >

Updated Screenshot
Recruiter-to-Candidate Chat Text Messaging

Candidate Communication Made Easy

Depending on your source, the global average open rate of SMS ranges between 94% - 98% ~ the hub

Engage with candidates instantly through SMS, giving you the opportunity to share relevant content directly to an applicant's device. This is the ideal channel to push tailored information to keep candidates interested and involved.

Because mobile communication is an effective marketing tool, we suggest that the mobile number is the most important number you should collect from your applicants. By using mobile communication, you will increase your long-term results, getting your applicants, referrals, and passive job seekers interested.

How it works with your existing database:

  • Upload your existing candidate database.
  • Loop runs a check for email addresses.
  • Loop communicates with your database asking to opt-in for mobile communications with your brand.
  • Our software notifies users when candidates have re-engaged.
  • Loop manages consent, so you don't have to.
  • Send meaningful, engaging messages directly to your talent community.

Talent Relationship Management,

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