Mental Health and Working From Home During COVID-19
If you’re not used to it, working from home— for whatever reason— can eventually become a little lonely and even stressful. As the coronavirus began to spread across the globe we saw many, many businesses making the move towards remote working. While you might love staying in your comfy sweats all day and spending more quality time with your cat, you may find the novelty is starting to wear off.
Adjusting to working from home, and dealing with the difficult and unsettling feelings that come with a worldwide pandemic can seriously take its toll on your mental health. Now, more than ever it’s vital to check in with yourself and manage both your physical and emotional wellbeing.
Remote Working Tips For Better Mental Health
As May is mental health awareness month, we wanted to share a few tips to help you create and maintain a healthy mindset in the midst of these challenging and difficult times.
Stay Connected
Depending on your role and company set up, you may have as many as five Zoom meetings a day, or as little as five a month. Either way, it’s important to stay connected to the people you work with. Virtual lunches, Google Hangout coffee breaks, and even chat messages will all contribute to feeling connected. Speaking to others in the same boat as you will help. Plus, these quick chats and breaks from work can also help you stay focused and increase your productivity.
Take Complete Breaks
At work you’re having meetings, chatting to colleagues, and walking to get a coffee a few times a day. However, at home, you may sit for hours in front of your computer for long periods of time. Be sure to take complete breaks where you go offline completely. Sit in your garden, make yourself something to eat, and switch off. And, try not to use this break to mindlessly scroll through social media or check news websites.
Keep Active
Remember to move your body each and every day. Now, we’re not saying you need to take up kickboxing all of a sudden, but try to take your dog for a walk around the block or do a quick 30-minute yoga flow during your lunch hour. The break from your computer screen or a daily dose of fresh air will work wonders when it comes to boosting your mood and overall mental health.
Develop and Stick To a Routine
Map out a routine, it may take a few days to establish one that works best for you and your workday, so be patient with yourself when it comes to figuring it out. Wake up at the same time each day, get dressed out of your pj’s, have breakfast, and sit down with a cup of tea. Work for a few hours and take the usual breaks you would take at the office. When it comes to the end of the day, log off and switch off from work altogether. And, don’t forget to enjoy some post-work downtime (more on this later) and get a good night’s sleep.
Create a Completely Separate Workspace
While some of us might not have a complete home office set up or study, it’s important to create a designated workspace that replicates what you might have at the office. Set up a screen, place a plant in one corner, and a picture frame in the other. Not only will this help you to get into the work zone, but it will also help you to resist the lure of your comfy looking sofa or a warm cozy bed.
Remember To Find Your Zen
It’s vital to disconnect from work and do things that you love once you’ve finished for the day. Read a good book, take an online painting class, FaceTime your family and friends, or cook your favorite wholesome meal. It’s so important to do things that bring you joy and help you unwind and relax, especially during these uncertain times.
So, there you have it. We hope these tips offer some help when it comes to managing your mental health during COVID-19 pandemic. Stay safe and look after yourself!
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